Business Assistance

Virginia Workforce Center

The Virginia Workforce Center, in partnership with the local Chamber of Commerce, is a one-stop concept to provide a variety of workforce and human resource services to our local employers. Services include:

  • Job registration and pre-employment screening
  • Target Recruitment Events
  • Adult Internships or Work Experience
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Incumbent Worker Training
  • Federal Bonding Program
  • Customized Training
  • Plant Closings/Layoffs


ACT Work Ready Community

To prove the readiness of the region’s workforce, the VCW West Piedmont, in partnership with P&HCC and other schools, are actively implementing National Career Readiness Certificates. Students earn the certificate through WorkKeys assessments based on situations in the everyday work world, including: applied mathematics, applied technology, business writing, listening, locating information, observation, reading for information, teamwork, and writing.


Youth Interested in Manufacturing

Martinsville and Henry County are connecting students with manufacturing at an early age.


During National Engineering Week, over 700 sixth graders participated in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Day program. Engineers from local manufactures as well as New College Institute professional met with students to inspire career paths that connect to local manufacturing opportunities.

Summer Camps for Manufacturing

New College Institute sponsors and organizes summer camps for middle school students featuring key topics to spark career opportunities.

  • Math Camp – shows students how everyday math, recreation and life skills are used to balance the quality of daily activities. 
  • Science Camp - "hands on" experiences to demonstrate the importance of science in daily life and in future developments.
  • Technology Camp - provides exciting learning experiences demonstrating the everyday use of innovations in technology. Students create a mechanical device and examine uses of technology in the local region.
  • Creative Design Camp - Students brainstorm and design projects from creative resources in the community. Teamwork, brainstorming, and creative design are key components of the program, along with a visit to the FAB Lab.